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Index Worker
Discover / Crawl / Index health checkBy monitoring crawl and index rate trends, it is possible to analyze where issues exist in DCIR. Especially for medium to large sites, this can lead to the discovery of issues that have a significant impact on business growth. With Amethyst's Index Worker, crawl and index health checks can be performed regularly and easily.
Search Analytics
Rank / Query / Click health checkThe default Search Console allows you to review queries and URLs separately, but many SEOs may find this inconvenient as there is no way to combine and analyze them together. It is possible to export the data for analysis, but the setup and management can be cumbersome, and performing trend analysis is not easy. With Amethyst Search Analytics, you can easily create an environment where you can analyze specific query groups (e.g., brand searches) and URL groups (e.g., product pages only) by grouping them together.
Please refer to Introduction to Search Interaction Model (DCIR-QCLS) on the JADE Blog for information on the DCIR-QCLS analysis framework.